Paul Kaptein
Jul 27 - Aug 13, 2023
Jul 27 - Aug 13, 2023
(as part of Transfiguration)
(as part of Transfiguration)
An interrogation of time and space characterises the work of Paul Kaptein. Using traditional methods of hand carving and casting, his practice is one of embodied action – exploring the act of making and the connection between the hand, tool and material.
Kaptein’s sculpture probes constructions of the temporal, the physical and the metaphysical – employing disruption to question established systems. Through a refined manipulation of form, works forge an equilibrium between opposing conditions: of movement and stillness, matter and void, the finite and the infinite. The body – referenced through both figuration and process – is positioned as a permeable site of ongoing remix. The exploration of these energetic and ontological tensions evoke states of transition, rupture and loops – destabilising permanence and linearity.
Through calling attention to the precariousness of the concrete, and gesturing to parallel possibilities, Kaptein’s skilfully rendered works prompt the viewer to question and explore concepts of place, space and temporalities.
Paul Kaptein is a contemporary artist based in Boorloo/Perth, with a background in animation andfilmmaking. He holds a Degree in Arts (Fine Arts) from Curtin University, and has participated in awide range of group and solo exhibitions, as well as being awarded a number of art prizes andresidencies. Kaptein creates wood carvings and sculpture that use traditional methods of handcarving and casting. His practice is one of embodied action – exploring the act of making and theconnection between the hand, tool and material. Kaptein’s work explores energetic andontological tensions that evoke states of transition and rupture – destabilising permanence andlinearity.
Photography by;
Annika Kafcaloudis