Anthony Stephens
Jul 27 - Aug 13, 2023
Jul 27 - Aug 13, 2023
(as part of Transfiguration)
(as part of Transfiguration)
Launching July 27, Oigåll Projects presents Transfiguration, a collection of paintings bycontemporary artist James Bonnici. Accompanying this brilliant body of work, the gallery presents Mute, a collection of pieces by sculptor Paul Kaptein, as well as a selection of new paintings byartist Anthony Stephens. Each of these singular artists embrace the figurative, deconstructing, warping and moulding their subjects to render works that emanate inherently psychological andmetaphysical narratives.
Engaging, sensitive and unsettling in their skilful mutation of traditional codes of representation,each artist explores transformation and degeneration in a way that feels keenly connected totemporal conditions and collective human experience. They also gesture to the surreal andruptured environments or ‘states’ which we inhabit, whether through the mortal process of time,or through artificial contexts for disruption and modification.
Inspired by the traces of connection between each artist and their practice, this exhibitionfacilitates a fascinating dialogue, and invites the viewer to experience the richness of the space inbetween, transposing themselves into the works they encounter. Transfiguration andaccompanying works will show at the gallery through to August 13.
Anthony Stephens is an artist and graphic designer based in Naarm/Melbourne. A self-taughtpainter, Stephens’ work is marked by a rich appreciation for light, colour and contemporarycompositions, resulting in detailed and often large-scale portraits and nude life studies that feelhyperreal and emotionally charged. His technical and creative skills as a designer influence hiscompositions, with Stephens documenting his process and exploring the fusion of digitaltechnology with traditional painting techniques. His solo show Catharsis, opened at OigållProjects in August 2022.
Photography by;
Annika Kafcaloudis